A forum for the indifferent, malcontent, misfit, and lutraphobic

Disclaimer - This blog contains opinions basted with one or more of the following: logic, satire, irony, bitter thoughts, self-deprecation, and purely by accident, humor - and no, it's not in Latin.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Gotta A Dollar? No, Canadian

There seems to be quite the controversery brewing (eh?) in Winnipeg, Canadia this week for this questionable entertainment at a Churchill High School pep rally as reported by The Globe and Mail (w/Video):

A video, taken last Wednesday at Churchill high school, shows students giggling and gasping as their teachers dance in the gym at a pep rally. It shows a female teacher leaning back in a chair and the male teacher bobbing his head near her crotch

Sounds interesting, but aren't they a little confused on roles?  No wonder the youth of the northern territories are so ill-prepared for their south-of-the-border counterparts in the boardrooms of tomorrow.  Where has Canada's education system taken us?  Oh good, more details:

The routine began with the female teacher, sporting pigtails, seated on a chair, her legs spread, hips gyrating. Bumping beats played in the background and the male teacher approached between her legs, his hips swiveling to the beat
Ah yes, gyration and hips a swiveling.  Can we really blame these teachers?  The kids were the ones who dropped those "bumping beats" afterall.  I've been known to throw in a few thrusts when the beats get a bumpin.  The outrage on this is a little over-blown.  I mean, seriously, from the studies I've read this is just a typical Tuesday night for America's 3rd graders. 

But it went even further.  [Ed. - Sweet!]
The female teacher threw her head back and thrust her one leg out as the male teacher continued to dance over her. There was butt-slapping and further gyration. Then the man dipped his head down between her legs and simulated oral sex.

Now they're getting it straight.  You know, if I were a betting man, which I am, I'd say that this is Canada's top secret initiative to get one step ahead of the USA's Planned Parenthood's "push" for "intensive" sex education for children as young as 10.  Just when I think you crazy Canucks are too stuck in your little brother complex you really spin a doozy.  Kudos, Canada, kudos. 

“I would expect a higher standard from teachers in any school in Canada,” said the long-serving trustee and father of six children. “I want them to be role models for our kids. I want them to set the bar high.”

I concur Doctor.  Where are the head stands and full-on straddles?  The Winnipeg School District has a lot of explaining to do.  I bet Planned Parenthood has already worked that into their curriculum.


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